What causes and helps inflammation?

What is inflammation? It is a natural defence mechanism, our own immune response to foreign stimuli such as virus or bacteria or trauma to the body with accidents.

We need it.

The problem is when it doesn’t switch off. The response continues far longer than the stimulus is present, which is then called chronic.

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Fertility, IVF, Men's Health, Chinese Medicine Dr Diana Segovia Arcella Fertility, IVF, Men's Health, Chinese Medicine Dr Diana Segovia Arcella

Can You improve Sperm Health? Part 2

We know that men’s sperm health is important in babymaking.

However, it can feel overwhelming embarking on a fertility journey and a reality check when the man’s semen results come back as less than average.

Rest assured that it is not just you, this is a phenomenon affecting men worldwide.

What is important to remember is that there are a number of factors that can impact sperm health and many of these ARE within your control.

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Pregnancy, Healthy Living, Self Care Dr Diana Segovia Arcella Pregnancy, Healthy Living, Self Care Dr Diana Segovia Arcella

Is Insomnia during pregnancy normal? (what can you do?)

Are you wondering if Insomnia in Pregnancy is normal? Well often you expect to lose sleep when the baby arrives but it’s very common to also have insomnia during pregnancy, in fact most women do. But there are ways to help! We’ll take you more into why this happens and how to help Insomnia in pregnancy.

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