Poly Cystic Ovaries - How To Diagnose It, The Research On Acupuncture & Herbs For Ovulation

We’re talking all things Poly Cystic Ovaries.

You know we geek out to this stuff! But also knowledge is power for women.

Ever been confused by a doctor about whether you have Poly Cystic Ovaries or the Syndrome or both or none of the above??

We are here to help.

You can also see previous blogs here & here.

Do I have Poly Cystic Ovaries?

According to the Jean Hailes Foundation (Melbourne's own Women's Health Specialist Centre), Poly Cystic Ovaries can be seen on an ultrasound showing:

  • more than 20 follicles (partly developed eggs) are visible on one or both ovaries


  • the size of one or both ovaries is increased (more than 10ml)

This can change over time too, depending on your overall health.

If your last ultrasound was over 6 months ago if you're trying to conceive or 12 months ago if not, its time for a rescan.

Do I have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome?

If you have 2 of the 3 criteria, then you have PCO + the Syndrome (PCOS)

  • Irregular or no period

  • 20+ follicles/ovaries over 10mls

  • Excess Androgen/Testosterone hormone levels (shown in bloods or with excess body hair, scalp hair loss or acne)

What are the blood tests needed to diagnose PCOS?

Hormones should ideally be tested on day 2 or 3 of your cycle for the most accurate results. If your periods are irregular or non-existent, test whenever!

  • Testosterone

  • SHBG - Sex Hormone Binding Globulin

  • DHEAs - dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate

  • FAI - Free Androgen Index & Androstenedione (we dont use this in clinic)

Other recommended tests

Periods & hormones can go haywire for other reasons. We also recommend testing:

  • Other hormones: Oestrogen, FSH, LH, Prolactin (test on day 2-3 for most accurate results)

  • Full iron studies - anemia can affect regular hormone function

  • TSH - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

  • HBA1c% - Blood sugar level marker - PCOS ladies can have blood sugar/insulin issues

Can Acupuncture help?

As you know we are pretty big fans of a decent research paper! Here's just a few.

  • This Systematic Review found "Acupuncture may increase the ongoing pregnancy rates and decrease the risk of OHSS (Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome) in women with PCOS undergoing IVF or ICSI"

  • This Randomised Control Trial found "repeated acupuncture treatments resulted in higher ovulation frequency in lean/overweight women with PCOS"

  • This Systematic Review found "Acupuncture appears to significantly improve the recovery of the menstrual cycles and decrease the levels of BMI and LH in women with PCOS"

Hope this explains things a little more!
Check our site for more women's health & fertility research.


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