8 Tips For Keeping Well And Calm After Your IVF Embryo Transfer

IVF can be a difficult and emotional process to be going through so here we are sharing our best tips for your post IVF transfer care.

If you know someone who would benefit from this info - share it with them!

After The Transfer

After everything you have been through to get this far we’re am sure you are wanting to do all that you can to maximise your chances of your embryo sticking around.

You probably also want to keep your mind off it a little without ignoring the fact that such a big event is potentially taking place.

These 8 tips are designed to give you some guidance and reassurance over the two-week wait.

  1. Be Slow and Gentle

On the day of transfer and the day following be sure to really look after yourself. This doesn’t mean lying in bed for 2 days...just be gentle and slow in your activities.

2. Embryos are sensitive to heat

Avoid a hot bath following the procedure. After a few days a warm (rather than hot) bath is ok.

Also avoid Spas and Saunas and anything else that makes you very very warm (including hot yoga!).

On the flipside don’t get too cold either. No jumping into the ocean or heading out in shorts and a t-shirt on a Melbourne winter’s day.

3. Have Acupuncture

We recommended you come in for an Acupuncture treatment after your transfer, on that same day and then again a few days after.

Studies have shown that Acupuncture improves IVF pregnancy outcomes.

Acupuncture is mentally and physically stabilising, which is just what you need after your transfer. It will help you to relax, get in a positive frame of mind, balance your hormones and help with that bloating that can stick around after follicle stimulation.

**Remember though preparing your body for a few months beforehand is even more important as it takes a few months for the new eggs to be matured and ready for collection

4. Avoid Pregnancy Tests

Try your best to avoid doing ‘pee on the stick’ pregnancy tests.

What happens so often is the test is taken early, it shows as negative, and then you know you took it too early and there is a chance you are actually positive…...so you buy another and try again the next day...which might still be too early!

Instead, spend the $60 or so dollars that you could spend on pregnancy tests on some nice underwear or something fun! :)

5. Laugh and do things you enjoy!

Write down three things that you love doing.

This might be going to the movies, having dinner out with friends or your partner, walking in the bush, painting or watching a funny series.

Be sure to do each of these things over the two weeks.

6. No Vigorous Exercise

It is best to avoid high-intensity workouts, lifting weights and running long distances.

Do continue to stay active though as you still want plenty of blood flow to the uterus.

There is no right amount of exercise to do. If you are someone who exercises a lot you might need to tone things down somewhat and if you are someone who doesn’t exercise at all it's a good time to be sure you’re at least getting out for walks.

7. Avoid sex for the two weeks

There are plenty of mixed views and not good evidence on this. What is known is that orgasms cause contractions of the uterus and if this is happening often that’s not ideal for implantation.

I like the idea of keeping the area calm and undisturbed!

8. Focus on your diet

Make sure you are eating lots of protein-rich foods, plenty of seasonal fruit and vegetables and not too much sugar!

Eat mindfully.

And…time to ditch the alcohol and cut down the caffeine.

Hope this helps!
Feel free to pass this onto a friend if you know someone soon to go through the process.

In the meantime, we’re here if you need help in the process!


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