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Cosmetic Acupuncture - How does it work?

Imagine having a solution that not only rejuvenates your skin, making you appear younger, but also enhances your overall wellness.

Introducing Cosmetic Acupuncture.

This method goes beyond simply addressing your skin concerns without any chemicals.

It delves deeper, tackling the root causes of your skin problems.

Plus, like all our Acupuncture services, it soothes your nervous system, offering you the peak of relaxation.

Cosmetic Acupuncture

In the pursuit of youthful, radiant skin, many individuals are turning to Cosmetic Acupuncture as a natural and holistic beauty treatment.

This ancient practice, rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is gaining popularity for its ability to rejuvenate the skin and promote overall wellbeing. Determining the optimal frequency of Cosmetic Acupuncture treatments can be key to maximising results and achieving long lasting benefits.

We discuss your skin’s needs in your first consultation.

What to expect after your first Cosmetic Acupuncture treatment

Immediately following your first Cosmetic Acupuncture treatment, it is common to experience a subtle glow and increased circulation to the face, giving skin a refreshed appearance.

Many clients also report feeling relaxed and energised, thanks to the balancing effects of Acupuncture on the body’s energy systems.

In the hours and days following treatment, it’s common to notice slight improvements in skin tone, texture and elasticity as the body continues to respond to the stimulation of the Acupuncture needles.

Over time, cumulative benefits become more apparent, with many clients noticing reductions in fine lines, firmer skin, improved hydration and a more youthful complexion over the course of the weekly treatments.

How often do I need to do Cosmetic Acupuncture?

While some individuals may notice immediate improvements after a single session, the cumulative effects of regular treatments are where the true transformation occurs!

Ideally, a series of treatments spaced closely together to jumpstart the rejuvenation process is needed.

This typically involves weekly sessions for a minimum of six weeks, depending on individual needs and skin concerns. Most people need only 6-10 weekly session before pushing out treatments.

During this phase, the focus is on addressing your specific issues such as fine lines, wrinkles, dullness or uneven skin texture.

When can I move to maintenance appointments?

After completing the initial series (usually 6-10 weekly treatments), clients can transition to a maintenance phase where treatments are spaced out to sustain and enhance the results achieved.

For most individuals, scheduling treatments once every four weeks is recommended to maintain optimal skin health and address any new concerns that may arise.

Read more on Cosmetic Acupuncture here.

Cosmetic Acupuncture treatments are a brilliant addition to a wellness regime to have individuals feeling and looking their best.

Look great, feel amazing.