How to ease constipation in pregnancy

Yay for being pregnant.
Not so yay for all the fun body changes that can accompany it, hey!

In pregnancy, your progesterone goes way up, which can increase constipation in some women. This can be made worse by more blood flow and nutrients now going to your uterus, rather than your digestive system. Add in nausea and food aversions & you can end up with a ‘pootastrophy!’

“Just because its common, doesnt mean its normal”

This is one of my favourite expressions. So many ‘conditions & symptoms’ though common in pregnancy dont have to be your normal. By no means do I think theres a 100% cure for every annoying pregnancy or health related symptoms but theres almost always a way to minimise its impact on your day to day living!

My favourite tips are the ones that come from ancient wisdom that are now backed by science. Chinese Med has been helping women have healthy pregnancies for at least 2000 years. That its still alive, strong and backed by more and more research is just so cool!

Constipation - the basics

This applies to all folks, pregnant or not.

Constipation can mean you dont pass a bowel motion everyday. Or it can mean you go daily but not much comes out, or only if you strain.

What helps? - the basics

  • Water - picture this. Your stools are made of water, as is your intestines and the muscles used to push it out. Now picture dry stools, being inched along by dry intestines, with dry muscles trying to push it out :0 :0 all because you’re dehydrated! Of course its going to be hard work for your body.

    Please drink at least 2l - more if you’re active or out in the sun. Consider hydrating foods as a bonus. Have reminders on your phone, note how many glasses you drink on a post it, give yourself stickers for hitting 2l, whatever you need to self motivate! More tips here if you struggle with this

  • Fibre - are you getting enough? Men need 30g a day, women 25g and pregnant women need 28g a day

    This site is fab for listing high-fibre foods (other than bread!) As well as oats & chia seeds, who knew almonds, really dark chocolate, raspberries and avocados were big fibre foods!
    Keep a food diary for 3 days to see how much fibre you’re actually getting.

    We will always promote eating real foods as you get so many other vitamins from it. Fake foods are part of the reason so many in very affluent countries are nutrient deficient. That said, in pregnancy especially an easy fix is a good fix. Double check fibre supplements with your doctor or pharmacist but these can be a great help.

    **pro tip. If you have more fibre you need more water so it doesn’t get stuck in your bowels!

Your type of Constipation

Did you know there’s different types of constipation??

Honestly, this is the magic in Chinese Med & why there’s no 1 size fixes all approach.

  • Dry type - Stools are hard to push out, and comes out in pebbles. People often also have dry skin and thirsty even if only for sips of water

  • Deficient type - Stools may come out fine but not regular. Other common symptoms are fatigue and bloating

  • Damp type - Stools come out with ragged edges and are ‘sticky’ or ‘mushy’. People with damp type stools also have a thick tongue coating, can have phlegmy throats or stuffy noses.

Pro tips for your Constipation Type

  • Dry type - Get to sleep before 11pm & get at least 7+h sleep. Burning the midnight oil will dry you out big time! Avoid Chili (and heaps of spices). Sorry folks. Whilst this may irritate your bowels into pooping, its also drying you out, making the problem worse. Enough water is crucial for this type. Chia seed puddings are fab for this type

  • Deficient type - Ensure you’re eating enough lovely folk. Some people, especially ladies are not. Deficient types are almost always tired. Watch your sugar intake (even the natural ones!) as sugar will dry you out and damage your good gut bacteria which affects constipation.

  • Damp types - Alcohol (for the non pregnant folks), sugar, dairy are big stodgy damp foods. Avoid! Also adding in bitter foods such as kale, rocket, radicchio and pepper are all fab for regulating your stools for damp types. As is ginger and cinnamon & spices

Pro tips for all types

  1. Check your iron & thyroid levels. This can cause constipation for sure!

  2. Have loads of kiwi fruit, walnuts and honey (caution damp types). Make a smoothie/juice & add some fibre supplement. You’ll get loads of fibre, vitamin c and water! A perfect combo.

Need more help?

Acupuncture is wonderful for regulating bowels & reducing inflammation. As are Chinese herbs!

In addition to soothing Acupuncture, and healing herbs, our practitioners provide diet and lifestyle advice that is specific to you, helping your constipation - faster.


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