How does Fertility Acupuncture work exactly?

You know that we love educating & empowering our beautiful clients. We also love being able to explain the science behind the magic.

We are going to answer our most commonly asked question!

How does Acupuncture work with fertility?

Heard or know that Acupuncture is great for fertility but struggled to explain exactly how?

Whilst we will always explain the reasons we feel you specifically haven't fallen pregnant yet and what the next steps are based on your info, here are the basics of how Acu works with fertility.

Feel free to share this with those women & men who might benefit!

3 ways Acupuncture works with Fertility

1. Acupuncture improves pelvic blood flow

Good pelvic blood flow influences egg quality, lining thickness & sperm quality.


We can do this with points on your lower tummy AND with points around your ankle/feet - Magic! (Science).

Improved pelvic blood flow from Acupuncture has been shown with vascular ultrasounds.

2. Acupuncture improves hormonal regulation

It does this by switching you out of fight or fight mode, into rest relax and regulate mode.

This means your body can make fertility hormones instead of stress hormones & this increases pelvic blood flow too.

3. Acupuncture decreases stress, improves sleep & digestion

Yay for the above! By helping you sleep better, your body runs on fewer stress hormones & can focus on extra jobs like making great eggs & sperm.

Acupuncture has been shown to improve gastric motility (so you're not constipated or have diarrhoea) so you can absorb all the vitamins from your food & supplements.

Your body won't focus on fertility unless the basic functions are all taken care of.

Look after your whole self...

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