Easy Gluten Free Recipes For Brekky!

Previously we’ve talked about Gluten, and why it can make people, even those who are not celiac, feel unwell.

This week we thought we would look at some Gluten-free alternatives and a couple of yummy Gluten-free breakfast ideas!

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Active Grains

So what are some Gluten-free grains?

  • Buckwheat

  • Rice

  • Millet 

  • Quinoa

  • Chia

But what about Oats?

Oats are interesting. They are Gluten-free but they contain a similar protein to Gluten, called Avenin. 

Most Celiacs or people with gluten sensitivities can tolerate oats but around 12% of people with Celiacs Disease struggle with digesting them.

If you don't feel great after eating them - avoid!

Yummy Breakfast Ideas!

Buckwheat flour has a nutty flavour to it and works well in cakes and pancakes

Rice is so versatile. Not only is it a great substitute for pasta but can also be used to make a yummy peanut rice porridge (congee) with dates.

Millet has a sweetness to it and is easy to digest. It makes a lovely warm breakfast porridge when cooked in coconut milk. 

Chia can be used to make puddings and added to smoothies and cereals. 

For lunch & dinner, Quinoa is great in salads. An avocado cucumber and fresh herb salad or a roast veg salad with a delicious dressing is fab!

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Over the last few years, Gluten-free pasta and breads have started tasting a lot better too!

Be sure to shop around for brands that don't have chemicals and numbers in them, as they won't help your gut heal.

‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’ ~ HIPPOCRATES

How’s It All Connected?

We are always happy to discuss your diet when you are in for treatments.

Maintaining a healthy digestive system has so many positive knock-on effects. It helps you absorb all the nutrients you put into your body.

Also, your energy, your mood, your skin, and the general quality of your health (Qi and Blood in Chinese Med) rely on you having a balanced diet that is suited to you.

If you're wanting some Chinese Medicine love to help get your health back on track - book online!


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