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Ladies, Let's Talk Spotting

Hi! It seems with a lot of our articles lately we’re getting “intimate”. We can’t help it. We love to talk about those things nobody else wants to talk about. So, here we go again. This time, we’re answering the questions we get asked most frequently when it comes to spotting, hormonal health, fertility and (probably the most common) in pregnancy. We talk about what’s normal, what’s not, and hopefully help you understand what your body is actually trying to tell you.

Before we go too much further, though, one important thing we need to mention! Remember, spotting is classified as light bleeding (wouldn't fill a liner over a whole day) that is outside of your normal menstrual cycle. It’s important to remember that day 1 of your period is the first day of full flow.

Now, without further ado, here are your most frequently asked questions about Spotting!

Spotting just before or after my period: what does it mean?

In an ideal world, your period starts slowly but consistently, without a great deal of pain. Spotting for a few days before, after or even in the middle of your period is a sign of some instability of the uterine lining and the flow of blood.

In Chinese Medicine, your blood and Qi flow are closely related and when there’s a stagnant spotting phase on either side of your period it’s a symptom of Qi and Blood flow disharmony. In Chinese medicine that’s referred to as Liver Qi Stagnation or Qi & Blood Deficiency. In simple terms, it’s where your body is too tired to start and stop your period properly.

This is not something to worry about too much but it’s something that can be improved. No one wants 5 days of spotting before the period even begins!

Spotting Around Ovulation: should I be worried?

Light spotting around ovulation occurs because of the drop in Estrogen levels that happens around this time.

This is not something to worry about too much for most people but can be improved upon.

Spotting From Ovulation Until My Period: Is this a concern?

If you are regularly having spotting that starts around ovulation and continues until your period comes, then you should first talk with your GP.

You will need a scan to see if you have any growth (not a baby!) in the uterus. There could be fibroids or polyps that respond to hormonal changes by shedding their tissues. The scan may also be clear and you may be told not to worry about it, but in this case, knowing for certain can help avoid the stress of uncertainty.

From a Chinese Medicine perspective, this is seen as a deficiency of your body's energy (Qi) to hold your blood in place until your period starts. You might also be feeling fatigued and having digestive problems.

This is something you want to get treated sooner rather than later as your body will become more depleted as the spotting continues.

Spotting and Pain after Intercourse: Help!

If you are regularly seeing spotting after intercourse with or without pain it does warrant some further investigation. This can be a sign of Endometriosis, especially if you also get period pain. See more on Acupuncture for Endometriosis here.

My Period is so light, it’s just spotting. What does it mean?

If your period is only spotting it can indicate a number of potential issues.

It could be that your hormone levels are running a low (mainly Estrogen & low Iron) or that your uterine lining is thin. Stress and excessive exercise can impact these factors.

From a Chinese Medicine perspective, your Blood and Qi could be deficient. You might be burning the candle at both ends!!

If this sounds like you, especially if you are trying to conceive, come talk to us about building up that uterine lining and nourishing your Blood and Qi.

Does the colour of the spotting mean anything?

Yes, it does! Allow us to translate for you. Except for spotting at the very end of your period, spotting should be bright coloured rather than a brown/black colour. This means its blood from a freshly made, nutrient-rich uterine lining - which is all-important for baby-making.

If the spotting before your period is dark, it's old blood and an indication your body isn't shedding all the lining as it should during your period.

From a Chinese Medicine perspective, brown/black spotting before your period indicates Stagnation (and also shows up as feeling seriously frustrated, PMS or sore boobs). It's a sign that things are a bit 'stuck'. In this case, doing lots of self-care and moving with some moderate exercise might help!

What is Implantation Bleeding?

Implantation bleeding looks like spotting. It occurs when a fertilised egg attaches to the lining of the uterus, generally 10-14 days after conception. There is no cause for alarm here.

I’m in early pregnancy and having some spotting. What do I do?

20% of women have some form of spotting or bleeding in pregnancy and go on to have a healthy baby. It can, though, be a sign of impending miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or infection.

If you have any spotting when pregnant, we recommend going to your GP or head to the Emergency Department.

A simple blood test or scan can reassure you that things are going ok and give you peace of mind. Above all, make sure you look after mummy as rest is super important for you right now!

Early research shows Acupuncture may also be helpful for threatened miscarriage.

See more information on Acupuncture for

Want to chat about spotting? We’d love to help. Book an appointment today.