Embrace Acupuncture

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Post Birth Healing

Postpartum care for mums, The Golden Month

The collective name for post-birth self-care in Chinese Medicine is called The Golden Month.

The Golden Month is the first 40 days after giving birth where the “mother is mothered”. 


Many cultures around the world honour this time by looking after the mother. Whether it’s through her tribe or close family so that she can feel nourished and ready to step into motherhood. 

Unfortunately, our fast-paced western world doesn’t always have time for this. Much of the focus is on the newborn and we tend to juggle the first 40 days as a closed unit.

As part of our Post Partum care, we like to see mums for Acupuncture approximately 8 weeks post-birth (sooner if you need it).

We address symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, pain and extreme fatigue. We also like to examine recent blood test results, look at diet and make adjustments where needed so your body can heal and you can feel good whilst nourishing your little one.

It’s also important to have your birth experience heard and acknowledged.

What’s involved in The Golden Month?

1.     Bonding

2.     Keeping the body warm

3.     Rest

4.     Warm Nourishing Foods

5.     Mother Warming Technique

1.     Bonding between mother and baby.    

The mother learns to tune into the baby’s communication signals and responds to her needs. 

This gives the baby its first experience of trust, love and safety and becomes the basis for future bonding in the world.


2.     Keeping the body warm

Especially of the lower abdomen and feet even in hot climates. Avoiding cold temperatures, wind and rain.

This also includes wrapping the lower abdomen in order to give the organs physical support.


3.     Rest, Rest, Rest.  

Did you know that the act of birthing has been likened to running a marathon? This is in addition to creating and growing a human in their own body and providing nutrients post-birth.

After childbirth, the mother needs to adapt to a new rhythm of life that includes broken sleep so resting, whenever you can, will give you the energy to keep going.

4.     Warm Nourishing Foods. 

Nutrient dense foods can make an enormous difference to the recovering mother. The body is needing to replace lost blood and nutrients in order to heal any damaged tissue in the uterus and vagina, support breastfeeding, and keep the body warm.  

Bone broths are considered superfoods and can be consumed as is or used as a base for soups, stews, risottos and congee.


5.     Mother warming.

Warming of the lower abdomen with heat known as moxibustion made of compressed Mugwort herb one-week postpartum if there have been no complications and 2 weeks post caesarean section.  This can be used to energise the new mum (pending there are no heat signs such as night sweating). 
This is applied by a trained Acupuncturist, Doula or partner.

Here’s how to do it.

It is never too late to start the Golden Month whether this is months or years down the track. 

 If you feel that you haven’t fully recovered from giving birth or regained your energy know that you can still create this special time for yourself.  

You can still follow these points. 
We like to think of this time as The Golden Years of mothering.  


Need some extra support with your Golden Month and post natal care?